Anxiety and Depression During COVID-19 – How a Therapist Can Help

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about many serious interruptions to life as normal. The concept of the workplace has changed drastically, everyday social interactions like hugging and shaking hands are considered hazardous, and large events like concerts and parties are discouraged until further notice. One type of anxiety that is not well known to the general public is health anxiety or hypochondria.

Even if you haven’t been diagnosed with anxiety or depression, the stay-at-home orders brought about by COVID-19 have likely taken a huge toll on your mental health. If you do have anxiety, depression, or both, you are likely facing extreme struggle during this time of extreme change and public unrest. Even children can suffer from anxiety.

If you live with anxiety and/or depression and haven’t sought out the services of a therapist yet, now is the time to do so. With the rise of teletherapy, mental health services are more accessible than ever before to help you through this especially trying time. You can totally distract yourself from anxiety as well by using various techniques.

How to distract myself from anxiety? >>

50 Positive affirmations for anxiety >>

How can a therapist help me battle my anxiety and depression during COVID-19?

A therapist can help you identify your self-care preferences. Everyone has different forms of self-care that work best for them in times of increased stress or sadness; some spend time with friends or family, some seek solitude in nature, and some utilize exercise or self-pampering. If your typical self-care practices have been ruled out due to COVID-19 or you’re not sure what type of self-care works best for you, a therapist can work with you to determine what daily practices you can incorporate to ease your anxiety and depression symptoms, whether directly COVID-19 related or not. A therapist can help you manage anxiety, but there are some things you can at home.

A therapist can teach you self-soothing techniques. If you experience anxiety attacks or depressive episodes, therapists are trained to help you incorporate grounding and self-soothing practices that can help to ease these difficult moments. Your dedicated therapist will be able to incorporate the techniques that will work best for you and your exact needs into your sessions.

Long term effects of anxiety >>

A therapist is someone to consistently talk to. Now more than ever, those with anxiety and depression feel incredibly isolated, which only worsens the symptoms of their conditions. Besides their mental health expertise and useful tools, therapists are consistent confidants that you can trust will always be there to listen, no matter what is going on in the world or how you’re feeling. Additionally, a weekly therapy appointment provides a comforting sense of routine.

Now is a difficult time for everyone, and Cyti Clinics is here to help. For more information on therapy, physical therapy, and whole-body healing, contact Cyti Clinics today.

Types of anxiety therapy >>

The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger,  these resources can provide you with immediate help:
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988
24 Hour Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1.800.273.8255
Crisis Text Line Text TALK to 741741