
Feeling disconnected from your partner? It’s a normal part of any healthy relationship, but it can be can be stressful and difficult. Intimacy is not just sex and magic. Much like a garden, it requires effort to cultivate and time to grow.

Whether you are facing recent stressors you can’t get past, hoping to improve intimacy, regain trust after infidelity, or learn how to communicate and deal with conflict in a blended family, we can help. Our couples counselors are licensed and trained in research-backed treatments and modalities and will work with you both together and individually to help you achieve your goals of harmony and understanding.

Couples counseling isn’t just for couples in crisis — it’s for partnerships of all kinds at every life stage. Monumental changes can shift the balance of relationships, and even the strongest couples need some help to navigate the changing tides. Cyti Psychological is a passionate and committed provider of couples therapy. Explore to learn more about our couples therapy clinic and our approach to nurturing healthy intimacy and relationships. When you’re ready, Get Started.

What Is Couples Therapy?

Simply put, couples therapy is a specific form of therapy that aims to improve relationships. Clients can work both individually and with their spouse or partner to enhance the relationship and resolve the concerns and issues that have become entangled over time. Couples counseling is beneficial for any couple at any stage in their relationship. Whether you’ve recently begun considering a long-term commitment to each other or have been married for decades, couples therapy can help you turn a good relationship into a great one.

Starting a new relationship is exciting, but marriage is a big commitment—and there are plenty of hurdles to cross before you truly know each other. Premarital counseling is a way to get some of the tough stuff on the table before entering the marriage. You’ll learn how to communicate with each other, resolve conflict in a healthy way, and avoid many of the pitfalls new couples typically face.

From helping you understand each other’s boundaries and expectations in life to showing you how to be a better partner, couples counseling can save a struggling relationship and strengthen a happy one. By learning how to communicate and properly listen to each other, you’re laying the foundations for a solid, satisfying, long-lasting relationship. And what could be more central to your quality of life than the health and happiness in your relationship with your significant other?

How Can Couples Therapy Help ?

Structural Family Therapy
Structural family therapy extends the value of couples therapy to include children. Blended families, single-parent families, families with disabled children, or who have experienced significant loss or trauma will all benefit.

Structural family therapy is designed to address unhealthy patterns of behavior that might affect or impact other household members.

But you’re not alone. The professionals at Cyti Psychological will provide the guidance you need to strengthen your relationship and reconnect with your partner on a deeper level.
Learn more about Structural Family Therapy.

Solution-Oriented Therapy
Marital issues or relationship problems do not randomly appear for most couples. There is typically an underlying concern at the root of these issues. At Cyti Psychological, we’ll work to uncover that underlying problem and develop solutions to either resolve it or cope with it. Through solution-oriented therapy, we can give couples the ability to problem-solve together in a way that brings them closer and revitalizes their relationship.

Focused Couples Therapy
The professionals at Cyti Psychological use a number of methods to work with couples and provide them with the best possible care. One of these techniques is focused couples therapy. Focused couples therapy involves several tools that couples can use to strengthen and stabilize their relationship. These include de-escalation, restructuring, and consolidation.

Customized Care
Cyti Psychological boasts a team of clinical experts with specialties that run the gamut of proven therapeutic modalities to assist in the treatment of wide range of specific issues. Whatever you are struggling with, it is likely we have compassionate therapist that is suited to your needs.

If we find along the way that you or your partner may benefit from a particular approach or therapeutic method, we will set you up with a professional who can provide that specific and unique care you need. This type of customized therapy allows couples to receive care tailored to their needs and the desired goals for their relationship. Whatever you and your partner are going through, you are not alone and you don’t need to hanlde it alone. Schedule now and start feeling better right away.

Benefits of Partnership

When couples begin treatment with Cyti Psychological, they can rest assured that their relationship is in good hands.

Our team of professionals is highly-trained and well-versed in a number of different clinical approaches and therapeutic modalities. Our therapists have more than 2,500 hours of clinical experience, bringing a truly exceptional level of expertise to your treatment.

Cyti Psychological strives to make your therapy journey as easy as possible. This is why we provide Telehealth options for couples who cannot attend in-person sessions. We also offer the Cyti Care program, which includes 50-minute live sessions with a therapist, with no insurance requirement or monthly membership.

Does Couples Therapy Work Online?

Couples therapy not only can be done from the comfort of your own home, but many couples also find it more effective this way. A main component in the success of any therapy is a safe, comfortable environment for the clients. Giving the clients the freedom to choose this space for themselves makes virtual couples therapy an ideal solution.

Cyti Psychological therapists are dedicated to providing high-quality therapy to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Our fully licensed therapists are available to provide Couples Therapy and other types of therapy 24/7.

No matter what you’re going through, You’re Not Alone.

Couples Therapy at Cyti Psychological

If your relationship is strained due to issues like finances, infidelity, or parenting, you may need couples therapy. Even the strongest of relationships can be impacted by a variety of common concerns, which is why couples therapy is an essential tool for stabilizing your relationship and working through periods of difficulty. At Cyti Psychological, we go above and beyond to provide couples with a safe space to discuss their feelings, fears, and goals. We’ll work directly with you and your partner to develop the best ways to resolve problems and have a healthier relationship.

Cyti Psychological is a passionate, dedicated and experienced provider of therapeutic care services for individuals dealing with mental health conditions. We understand that seeking treatment can be difficult, so we work hard to make the process easier for every patient.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is not a new therapeutic technique, but many people are still unfamiliar with the benefits of this therapy. EMDR was developed in the 1990s to help trauma survivors and others who want to work through damaging events in their lives without discussing the painful specifics of past events.

Studies have shown that EMDR is effective. It can provide quick relief from symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). Explore our site to see the potential of EMDR to improve your quality of life, and when you’re ready, Begin Here.

What Is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR is safe and has been recommended by the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization to treat PTSD. Therapists also use EMDR therapy to treat other mental health issues, including:

Self-esteem issues
Chronic Pain
Addiction Disorders
Panic Attacks
Eating Disorders

8 Phases

There are eight phases of EMDR. While the process is different for everyone, and some may take longer to get through the history and preparation phases, it's possible to work through all of the steps in one therapy session.

Client History and Treatment Planning

EMDR begins with a discussion between the client and therapist about the reasons they are seeking therapy. The therapist will explain how EMDR might be used to help address their issues. The therapist takes a patient history so they can develop an effective treatment plan that is sensitive to the client’s needs. During phase one, the therapist will also assess the client’s internal and external resources.


During preparation, the therapist explains everything about the EMDR process, including terms they might use. This is also the time to set expectations. The client may ask any questions they have about EMDR.

The client and therapist collaborate to plan specific coping techniques in case the therapy causes emotional disturbance. Phases one and two may move slowly, but it is important the client feels confident in the EMDR process before moving to phase three.


In this phase, the client and therapist work to identify what is referred to as the “target event.” The client will share any feelings, images, beliefs, or other sensations they associated with this event. The therapist uses the Subjective Units of Disturbance scale (SUD) and the Validity of Cognition scale (VOC) to create a baseline measurement that is used to assess improvement as therapy progresses.


Phases four, five, and six are referred to as “reprocessing” phases and involve a technique known as bilateral stimulation, which may include sounds, taps, eye movements, or other techniques intended to activate the client’s information processing system while keeping them grounded and aware in the present moment.

During desensitization, the therapist begins bilateral stimulation as the client focuses on the target event. Bilateral stimulation continues until the client registers zero on the SUD.  New sensations, feelings, beliefs, and images may emerge at this time.


Installation begins once the desensitization process is complete. During desensitization, the client attaches positive beliefs to the target event until those positive beliefs feel true.

For example, a client’s original belief about a traumatic event might be something like “That happened because I am unlovable and deserve to be mistreated.” The new belief being installed might be “I deserve to be loved and treated with respect.”

Phase 6
Body Scan

Body scanning refers to the client simultaneously holding the target event in their mind, holding the newly installed positive belief in their mind, and mentally scanning their body from head to toe to detect any lingering physical disturbance or discomfort.

Physical sensations help to indicate how fully the triggering event has been reprocessed. The VOC scale is used to measure the results of a body scan. A patient who feels absolutely no uncomfortable sensations would measure VOC=0.

Phase 7

Every EMDR session ends with closure, during which the therapist helps the client return to a calm state of mind. Closure is performed even if the reprocessing is not complete.

It may take several sessions to fully reprocess a triggering event (meaning their feelings about the event are neutral and their body is clear of disturbance). However, closure after each session is important to help the client process the events of a single EMDR session and regain emotional balance before leaving the therapist’s office.

Phase 8

Each new session begins with reevaluation. During this process, the therapist and client discuss the previous EMDR session and processed memories. The goal is to ensure that distress levels have remained low and the positive installation continues. 

EMDR therapy is not a straight line. In some cases, new beliefs or sensations about the targeting event will arise between sessions and the positive installation will weaken. It may be necessary to repeat the steps of reprocessing several times before the event is fully reprocessed and the new positive belief remains firmly installed.

Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR seeks to help people process traumatic memories relatively quickly and reintegrate them into their lives. The end goal is that the brain and body will no longer associate the upsetting memory with trauma. The process of EMDR is designed to remove the emotional charge associated with the memory.

There’s little talking with EMDR, especially after the initial phases. You won’t be required
to have an in-depth discussion about painful past experiences or do homework between
sessions. Given the reluctance of many people who have suffered from trauma, including combat veterans, to discuss their experience, this factor makes EMDR an ideal treatment.

What Does An EMDR Session Look Like?

During an EMDR session, your therapist will gather the information that’s pertinent to the issues you want to resolve. The therapist may ask you to hold an image linked to a negative belief in your mind. As you focus on the image, the therapist will ask what, if any, physical sensations you’re feeling.

As you focus on the memory or sensation, the therapist will ask you to consider a positive belief or statement that could be true if your issue were resolved. As you hold the positive thoughts in your mind, the therapist will lead you through a series of bilateral stimulation techniques such as guided eye movements, tapping, or alternating sounds.

The theory behind EMDR is that bilateral stimulation helps the brain reprocess the event, removing the negative or painful emotions and replacing them with something positive.

EMDR can be especially helpful for clients working through long-held beliefs. For example, EMDR might help a person reprocess “My spouse left me because I’m unworthy of love” into “I’ve been freed from an unhappy marriage.” The second perception is a much less painful way of looking at the event.

If at any time during the process your emotions become too intense, you’re free to take a break. EMDR is not hypnosis, and you are in control of your thoughts and actions at all times.

Schedule now and start feeling better right away.

EMDR Effectiveness

“In EMDR, traumatic material need not be verbalized; instead, patients are directed to think about their traumatic experiences without having to discuss them.”

~ American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines
(2004, p.18)

The effect of traumatic life experiences on an individual’s psychological well-being has been quite well researched. EMDR therapy is an evidence-based treatment for trauma that works quickly and does not require patients to provide a detailed description of negative events or to complete homework assignments between therapy sessions.

Since 1989, randomized studies, clinical reports, and evaluations of the eye movement component of EMDR (bilateral stimulation) have been scientifically conducted and reviewed. Close research has concluded that EMDR is an efficient and effective approach for addressing the psychological symptoms that stem from adverse life experiences. Of particular note is one study done by Kaiser Permanente which reported that 100% of single-trauma victims and 77% of multiple-trauma victims no longer had PTSD after a mean of six 50-minute EMDR therapy sessions.1

Other Benefits Of EMDR

Even people who have not experienced trauma can benefit from the EMDR process.

EMDR helps you change thinking patterns by identifying and challenging the negative thoughts that clutter your brain. Once you’ve uncovered the origin of a negative or distorted thought, you can reframe it into a positive one.

Untreated chronic anxiety can be debilitating. EMDR can teach you how to anticipate and manage anxious feelings as they arise. Once you’ve learned how to anticipate thoughts or situations that provoke anxiety, you can learn how to change your emotional response to those experiences.

Having low self-esteem makes it difficult to stay motivated, achieve goals, and make other positive changes in your life. EMDR targets the upsetting memories and self-talk that erode self-esteem from within. By eliminating internal turmoil, you are free to create a greater sense of happiness and achieve self-improvement.

While it may take several appointments to fully resolve a long-held belief, clients often experience improvement in their issues after the first EMDR session. Because it works directly on the pathways of brain function and not on the deep excavation of personal history, results from EMDR are typically fast.

This timeline also makes EMDR therapy a good option for dealing with temporary life circumstances such as grief or situational depression.

Does EMDR Therapy Work Online?

EMDR is an ideal candidate for virtual mental health therapy. All that’s required is a safe, quiet place where the client and therapist can communicate privately.

Cyti Psychological therapists are dedicated to providing high-quality therapy to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Our fully licensed therapists are available to provide EMDR and other types of therapy 24/7. Schedule your EMDR or other therapy session today at Cyti Psychological.

See how EMDR therapy works online.

No matter what you’re going through, You’re Not Alone.

The Cyti Clinical Team

Cyti Psychological therapists are highly qualified and licensed mental health professionals with a passion for helping people thrive. Whether you need help coping with trauma, feel your personal growth is stuck, or are curious about EMDR and how it may benefit you and your quality of life, reach out today.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

Any event or series of events a person experiences or witnesses that results in long-lasting social, physical, or psychological effects are traumas. Up to 70% of adults in the U.S. will endure a traumatic event. When that event takes a toll on your physical and mental health, it’s time to consult a professional. Most people don’t know that emotional abuse can cause PTSD.

If you’re suffering continued effects from trauma, it’s time to give yourself the tools to move forward. The experienced and licensed therapists at Cyti Psychological offer trauma-focused care using various modalities, including eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). Cyti Psychological care specialists provide 24/7 support, ensuring you can connect with the health you need, anytime.

What Is Trauma-Focused Therapy?

Trauma-focused therapy brings a specific approach that focuses on how traumatic experiences impact a person’s mental, behavioral, emotional, and physical well-being. Trauma-focused treatment takes a multi-faceted approach to treating clients who are experiencing the effects of trauma.

Trauma-focused therapy is particularly sensitive to the unique sets of issues that arise for youths and young-adults who suffer from post-traumatic stress and mood disorders that stem from violence, abuse, or grief. The role of the therapist is to help the individual better understand their situation and provide strategies to express their feelings and cope with potentially stressful situations. Tools to help manage difficult feelings, negative thoughts and behaviors can be a transformational asset to those suffering through these issues day to day. PTSD from emotional abuse is another issue.

People of all ages and walks of life seek out and benefit from trauma-focused therapy, including therapists themselves. Everyone who has been impacted by traumatic events needs someplace to feel safe and supported. A therapist using trauma-focused therapy works with clients to provide them with specific skills and strategies to understand, cope, and process their memories and emotions around their traumatic experiences. Many people have PTSD without knowing.

Who Is Trauma-Focused For?

Trauma-focused therapy is widely recognized as an effective approach to treatment for those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. While anyone who experiences the after-effects of a traumatic experience may benefit from trauma-focused therapy, including people with seemingly trauma-free childhoods, some examples of specific cases Cyti Psychological therapists currently treat include:

Abuse Survivors
Crime Victims
Suicide Survivors
Attempt Survivors
Domestic Violence
First Responders
Veterans & Families
Accident Survivors

What Happens in EMDR Therapy?

EMDR involves eight stages of treatment. The first stage focuses on a client’s history, and the second focuses on preparing them for their treatment by ensuring they have the tools to handle emotional distress.

In the third through sixth stages of treatment, the client focuses on a troubling memory and identifies their belief about themselves in connection with the negative memory. For example, a client may believe they’re at fault as a victim of a crime.

Next, the client determines a positive belief that they want to replace the negative thought. After identifying the physical sensations and emotions associated with the memory, the client then goes over the memory while focusing on an external stimulus that creates side-to-side eye movement. Oftentimes, that bilateral movement is their therapist moving a finger. The process continues until the memory no longer disturbs them.

How Does EMDR Therapy Work?

Usually, when a person experiences trauma, the left side of the brain soothes the right side of the brain. EMDR works under the theory that the brain gets stuck due to the trauma and can’t relieve itself.

The bilateral eye movement of EMDR stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. With both sides of the brain processing the trauma and installing the positive belief to replace the negative one, the stuck portion of the brain during the trauma is bypassed.

Clients process their memories differently in EMDR than they were previously. The new processing allows for a sense of resolution and increased insight into the disturbing event and the negative thoughts from the traumatic event.
While it may work differently than other therapeutic modalities, many studies show the benefits of EMDR as an effective treatment for the symptoms of PTSD.

Read more about EMDR at out EMDR Clinic page.

What Is DBT ?
DBT stands for dialectical behavior therapy. It’s a form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that teaches people to live in the moment, develop healthy coping strategies for stress and emotional outbursts, and improve their relationships.

DBT is a modified form of cognitive-behavioral therapy that varies from the original treatment in its focus. The overall treatment focuses on stress management, emotion regulation, and healthy interpersonal relationships.

Dialectical behavior therapy places a large emphasis on teaching patients healthy ways to cope with stressors. Stress is a major contributing factor for many patients struggling with any of the conditions and issues that can follow traumic events or life trauma. DBT can be a powerful tool in reovery through trauma-focused therapy.

What Happens in DBT Therapy?
DBT uses a four-stage approach to treating clients. In the first stage, stabilization, the focus is on decreasing self-injurious behaviors and increasing behavioral skills needed to process trauma.
In the second stage, emotional experiencing, the therapist works with the client to decrease post-traumatic stress through formal and informal exposure and decreasing self-stigmatization.
Stage three turns to problems in living, where the focus shifts to increasing self-esteem, achieving goals, and improving relationships and self-reliance. Lastly, stage four, incompleteness, turns the direction to freedom, spiritual fulfillment, and joy.

How Does DBT Work?
DBT uses four stages and four modules. These modules include:

The methodology balances validation and acceptance with changing behaviors and applying new skills and coping strategies. Each module builds on the last, and many clients find DBT to be an effective treatment method for dealing with past trauma and its lingering effects.

Read more about DBT at out DBT Clinic page. When you’re ready, Begin Healing Your Trauma

PTSD and Trauma Recovery

Don't Let the Past Control Your Future

PTSD arising from traumatic events can affect people of any age. PTSD occurs from something you saw or experienced and can be triggered by seemingly ordinary things. While we may be capable of coping with these feelings day-to-day, left unaddressed, they can leave deep psychological scars that color just about every aspect of our lives, eventually affecting our physical health and ability to maintain healthy personal relationships.

Evidence-Based Therapies for PTSD and Trauma

Our licensed therapists are well-trained and experienced in many proven modalities for treating complex PTSD and trauma.

PTSD and trauma may cause you to feel hopeless, fearful, guilty and shameful, angry, sad, or just plain numb. It is common to have panic attacks or feel edgy, jumpy, or detached from the people you love. You may experience “flashbacks” to the traumatic event, both as nightmares and in a waking state. You may attempt to avoid places, people, or activities that remind you of the event, but this may be putting undue strain on your relationships and day-to-day responsibilities.

Working with an experienced PTSD therapist can be life-changing for you. If you are concerned about having to relive your trauma, just know that doing so isn’t always necessary to achieve the results you want. Each patient’s experience is unique. Therefore treatments are individualized to your specific needs and designed to proceed at your pace.

We provide a safe, secure, judgment-free space for you to heal and feel safer in the world.

How Trauma Counseling Helps

Trauma is something almost all of us experience at some point in our lives. For some people, the negative consequences of experiencing a traumatic event subside over time. But for others, the pain and fear of the event linger for months, years, or even decades.

After experiencing trauma, your brain’s structure and chemistry change, making it unable to function correctly. Through trauma counseling, your therapist will help you talk through your emotions and feelings while allowing you to restructure your brain at the same time. By adding new pathways, strengthening connections, and increasing functions, trauma therapy will give you the power to rewire your brain and recover from your past trauma. Trauma will rarely go away on its own.

Find a Complex PTSD Therapist

Our team of licensed PTSD therapists is diverse in every way. To ensure you of the best possible therapeutic fit, we invite you to browse profiles and choose a therapist based on your preferences of gender, age, cultural background, treatments used, or expertise. If you prefer, our Client Support Team will pair you with a PTSD therapist based on your goals and unique concerns. Finding a Complex PTSD Therapist

Your journey to Pain Free Living begins here

Cyti Psychological for Trauma-Focused Care

The skilled and licensed therapists of Cyti Psychological offer clients some of the best options in treating the ongoing effects of trauma. Our therapists are trained and experienced in the most effective and groundbreaking modalities available to break through the destructive cycle of PTSD and other after-effects of trauma.

The skills and support of a trained professional can help you overcome the challenges you face after trauma. So take the first step in restoring your health with Cyti Psychological. Our team includes highly-trained experts who work with patients suffering from all kinds of pain and distress due to unresolved trauma, medical ailments, or mental health concerns. Schedule below or call our offices to get started.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

It is normal for young children to misbehave or test boundaries. However, some behavioral challenges in younger children are more significant than others. Professional input can help you understand and address them.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed with the behavioral challenges of your child, then you need to know the resources you have available. Cyti Psychological provides 24/7 care specialists so you can connect with a therapist whenever the need arises.

Additionally, our licensed professionals offer pediatric and family therapy, so you have the tools needed to build a healthy relationship with your child.

Parenting can come with challenges. However, when the help of a skilled professional guides parents, they learn strategies to care for their child that will benefit their whole family for years to come. So don’t struggle with behavioral challenges. Add a session with Cyti Psychological to your schedule now.

Types of Challenges We Treat

The licensed, professional therapists at Cyti Psychological treat a wide range of behavioral challenges. For example, some families need help as a child tests their boundaries, while others may need support managing the symptoms of a mental disorder their child is experiencing.

Regardless of your needs, our therapists are ready to help. Some of the symptoms that our team of therapists specializes in treating include:

Additionally, Cyti Psychological works with children and families as they encounter a struggling time, such as during a divorce, illness, or death in the family.

Can a Child Have a Mental Disorder?

Many mental disorders may arise in childhood, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, or behavioral disorders. Many children who experience mental disorders are diagnosed during their school years, but some kids’ symptoms may be misunderstood or accidentally overlooked.

An early and accurate diagnosis can help a child substantially as they navigate playing, learning, making friends, and managing their emotions.

Conduct Disorder

How Do I Know If My Child’s Behavioral Concern Is Normal?

It’s difficult to know whether your child’s behavioral challenges are typical or part of a larger concern. While some children seem to “outgrow” behavioral challenges, other children’s problems may intensify, leading to difficulties with succeeding at school and social interactions.

Children whose disruptive behaviors are uncommon for their age, persistent, or severe may suffer from a behavioral disorder. However, children whose behaviors are particularly challenging or troublesome should undergo an evaluation from a mental health professional. A professional can determine whether the behavior stems from trauma, a learning problem, or a disruptive behavior disorder, such as oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

ODD symptoms may present in a child before they turn eight years old but no later than around 12 years of age. A child with ODD may act out persistently, causing problems at home, school, or among other children of their age. Behaviors commonly associated with ODD include:

The disruptive behaviors of children suffering from ODD often worsen when they’re around people they know well, such as family members or regular care providers.

Conduct Disorder (CD)

Children with CD may present symptoms early, before the age of 10, or in adolescence. When children have early-onset conduct disorder, they tend to be at greater risk of persistent struggles and problems academically and with peer relationships. The main symptom of CD is ongoing aggression toward people and animals. Some of these behaviors include:

Additionally, children struggling with CD may deliberately break the rules, lie, steal, or purposely damage other people’s property.

Behavioral Challenges Require a Comprehensive Evaluation

Children with problematic behaviors should undergo a comprehensive evaluation from a mental health professional, as children exhibiting symptoms of ODD or CD may have coexisting conditions. These may include:

Improving the symptoms of behavioral disorders may be difficult without addressing and treating a coexisting condition.

Additionally, children with ODD or CD may experience ongoing problems if they don’t receive early, comprehensive treatment. Behavioral challenges can make it difficult to adapt to the responsibilities and demands required of adults.

Treatments for Behavioral Challenges

Treating behavioral challenges and disorders can be complex, as some patients with ODD respond well to positive parenting techniques, and others require more comprehensive methods. Some treatments for behavioral challenges include:

Finding the best treatment plan for a child and their family requires the support and guidance of a trained professional. Schedule your first session today.

Does Behavioral Therapy Work Online?

Behavior therapy not only can be done from the comfort of your own home, but it is often more effective this way. A main component in the success of child therapy is a safe, comfortable environment for the child. Additionaly, treatment from home often means we are addressing issues in the same environment where the behavior is taking place. Giving the kids the opportunity to be treated at home makes virtual therapy an ideal solution for children.

Cyti Psychological therapists are dedicated to providing high-quality therapy to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Our fully licensed therapists are available to provide Behavior Therapy and other types of therapy 24/7.

No matter what you’re going through, You’re Not Alone.

Trust Cyti Psychological to Support Your Family

When you’re overwhelmed with your child’s behavioral challenges, you need to know you have a professional in your corner. The experienced, licensed therapists of Cyti Psychological can provide you with the support and techniques you need to manage your child’s struggles. Early intervention is key to successfully treating behavioral challenges. Don’t continue to endure the strain that behavioral challenges place on your family. Instead, get the assistance you need from Cyti Psychological.

Cyti Psychological is a passionate, dedicated and experienced provider of therapeutic care services for families and individuals dealing with mental health conditions. We understand that seeking treatment can be difficult, so we work hard to make the process easier for every patient.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

As teens become more independent, they begin to push boundaries. This is a normal part of growing up. However, when a teen’s disrespectful or disruptive behavior seems out of control, parents and caregivers may wonder if a teen’s behavioral challenges are a sign of a more significant issue.

Cyti Psychological provides parents and caregivers with the insight and guidance they need to navigate the adolescent years. Our care specialists offer 24/7 support, providing a resource that is always available when families are overwhelmed with challenging behaviors.

The licensed professional therapists at Cyti Psychological offer specialized support, including individual and family therapy, to help teens and their families as they navigate the adolescent years. Whether your teen’s behavior is typical or a symptom of a mental disorder, the team at Cyti Psychological is here to help.
Schedule Your Session Now

Types of Adolescent Challenges We Treat

Parents and caregivers can benefit from the guidance of a licensed professional in the teen years, even when their adolescent’s behavior falls under normal boundary-pushing and desire for increased independence. Changing needs and behaviors are always tricky to navigate, but with the right support, you and your teen can see eye to eye and improve communication.

The therapists at Cyti Psychological offer guidance for parents looking for better strategies in promoting their teen’s mental health or dealing with more significant behavioral concerns, such as:

Providing both the convenience and flexibility of live telehealth visits, the experienced therapists at Cyti Psychological offer the support you need when you need it.

What Mental Health Disorders Affect Teens?

Half of all severe adult psychiatric disorders present symptoms by age 14. However, proper diagnosis and treatment may take 6-23 years. Patients with undiagnosed mental health disorders may be more likely to engage in destructive and illegal behaviors.

Mental illnesses most common in adolescents are anxiety, mood, attention, and behavior disorders.

Conduct Disorder
Mood Swings
Substance Abuse

How Do I Know If My Teen’s Behavior Is Normal?

Teens are notorious for being moody, impatient, and wanting to spend less time with their parents and family members. While these behaviors are typical, parents and caregivers may still desire support to navigate this change in their teen’s demeanor. Behaviors that teens exhibit that can be warning signs for a more significant issue include:
Teens acting out in these ways struggle to solve problems or communicate their needs. When teens exhibit these behaviors, they may also have an undiagnosed mental disorder or lack the tools to navigate their daily lives appropriately.

What Risk Factors May Affect a Teen’s Mental Health?

Mental illnesses often have a genetic role, making them more prevalent in teens who have a family member who also experiences the symptoms of a mental health disorder.
Medical conditions can also cause disruptive behavior, including neurological disorders, such as traumatic brain injury, infections, and systemic illnesses.
However, many mental health challenges teens face may result from their environment. For example, a child raised with significant parental conflict and instability may develop borderline personality disorder. In addition, a child who suffered abuse may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

Mental health and behavioral challenges often occur together. However, not all teens who exhibit disruptive behaviors suffer from a mental health disorder. Mental health conditions that may affect a teen’s behavior include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD), and borderline personality disorder (BPD).

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)

ODD is among the most common behavioral disorders diagnosed in children and adolescents. ODD symptoms include angry outbursts, defying rules, regularly making spiteful and hurtful remarks, and behaving with verbal and physical aggression. Behaviors associated with ODD include:

The disruptive behaviors of teens suffering from ODD often worsen when they’re around people they know well, such as family members or regular care providers.

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)

Teens with the symptoms of DMDD may be persistently angry or irritable. They may have regular angry outbursts at home or school and exhibit physical and verbal displays of anger. DMDD symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of ODD. However, DMDD is more severe. Patients with DMDD exhibit more extreme outbursts and more social impairments than those with ODD.

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)

Teens with symptoms of BPD may exhibit a pattern of struggling with their relationships. They may be impulsive and unable to control their irritability and anger. Teens with BPD symptoms may also be very emotionally sensitive and reactive. They may attach themselves to a person, only to retreat completely after a perceived slight.


Disruptive Behavior Treatments for Teens and Caregivers

Treating teens for behavioral challenges may require a multi-faceted approach. A quality treatment plan typically starts with a comprehensive evaluation so the teen’s mental health professional can thoroughly understand the teen’s condition and any co-occurring disorders.

One common approach in these situations is an integration or combination of therapeutic modalities which may include individual and family therapy, training to improve a teen’s social skills, treatment for any other co-occurring disorders, and medication, as needed.

Treatments for Behavioral Challenges

Treating behavioral challenges and disorders can be complex, as some patients with ODD respond well to positive parenting techniques, and others require more comprehensive methods. Some treatments for behavioral challenges include:

Finding the best treatment plan for a child and their family requires the support and guidance of a trained professional.

Does Behavioral Therapy Work Online?

Behavior therapy not only can be done from the comfort of your own home, but it is often more effective this way. A main component in the success of any therapy is a safe, comfortable environment for the patient. Additionaly, treatment from home often means we are addressing issues in the same environment where the behavior is taking place. Giving adolescents the opportunity to be treated at home makes virtual therapy an ideal solution for Behavior Therapy.

Cyti Psychological therapists are dedicated to providing high-quality therapy to anyone, anytime, anywhere. Our fully licensed therapists are available to provide Behavior Therapy and other types of therapy 24/7.

No matter what you’re going through, You’re Not Alone.

Cyti Psychological Provides the Support You Need

If you’re struggling with your teen’s behaviors, you don’t need to navigate these challenges alone. Cyti Psychological helps anyone, anytime, anywhere, with care specialists available 24/7 to connect you with a licensed therapist experienced with your struggles. Give yourself and your teen the tools needed to thrive. Reach out to Cyti Psychological and schedule now.

Cyti Psychological is a passionate, dedicated and experienced provider of therapeutic care services for families and individuals dealing with mental health conditions. We understand that seeking treatment can be difficult, so we work hard to make the process easier for every patient.


Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

Gender-affirming Care for non-binary and transgender individuals at Cyti Psychological is founded on the principle that every individual is unique and has specific needs. Our therapists employ a variety of modalities to address issues related to gender identity to ensure you feel respected and heard.

Our approach recognizes that some clients may require more emotional support, while others may need access to medical interventions such as hormone replacement therapy. We understand that gender dysphoria can affect not only the individual, but also your relationships and family dynamics, and offer couples therapy or family therapy as needed.

Regardless of your situation, Cyti Psychological provides a safe and inclusive environment where individuals can express themselves and explore paths towards acceptance and happiness.

What Is Gender-Affirming Care?

Gender-affirming care services at Cyti Psychological incorporate a range of therapeutic approaches to support individuals struggling with their gender identity. Many people, especially younger individuals, experience challenges related to their gender identity and may not have a reliable support system to help them navigate these feelings.

Some individuals may identify as a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth and desire to transition. Others may not wish to transition but still struggle with feelings of dysphoria or discomfort related to their gender. Additionally, individuals who have already transitioned may face discrimination or judgment from others in their life.

At Cyti Psychological, our gender-affirming care team consists of professionals with expertise and sensitivity in gender identity and sexual health. Our therapists provide a safe and comfortable space for individuals to explore and work through their gender identity and any associated emotions or difficulties. We aim to empower every patient to live authentically and as their best selves. To schedule an appointment with one of our care providers, please contact us today or reach out online.

How Can Gender-Affirming Care help?

Gender-affirming care at Cyti Psychological recognizes that confronting feelings of anxiety, depression, or societal judgment related to gender identity can be an isolating and challenging experience. Many individuals struggle to find a supportive and affirming environment to discuss these issues.

Our goal is to provide a safe and inclusive space for clients to explore their gender identity, express their emotions, and receive the support they need to feel comfortable in their own skin. Our team of professionals is committed to offering gender-affirming care that meets the unique needs of each individual, empowering them to lead a fulfilling and authentic life.

Emotionally Focused Therapy
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Couples & Family Counseling
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Solution-Oriented Therapy

In recent years, the discussion surrounding gender identity has become more widespread and prominent across all age groups and social dynamics. A growing number of people are currently confronting feelings of gender dysphoria or beginning their transition to a new gender identity. While some may find these topics easy to discuss, many people have difficulty with the emotions and thoughts surrounding their gender.

Gender-affirming care is a great way for people to work through feelings, emotions, and thoughts related to their gender identity. Cyti Psychological provides a variety of services to help clients examine these feelings while providing them with a safe place to express the identity that feels most comfortable to them.

Why Choose Cyti Psychological for Gender Care?

Clients choose Cyti Psychological for their gender-affirming care services for a number of reasons. We are a compassionate and experienced provider of care for individuals struggling with their gender identity or feelings and issues associated with it.

Our team of professionals is well-versed in the areas of gender identity, gender dysphoria, and the unique struggles that can occur due to these factors.

At Cyti Psychological, we understand that seeking care can be difficult. We try to make the process as simple as possible by offering Telehealth sessions and our Cyti Cares program.

The Cyti Cares program provides 50-minute sessions with a licensed therapist without the need for insurance or a monthly membership.

Your journey to Pain Free Living begins here

Does Gender-Affirming Therapy Work Online?

Nearly all therapy can be done from the comfort of your own home. In fact, many patients find it more effective this way. A main component in therapeutic success is a safe, comfortable environment for the client, particularly when dealing with intimate, private issues. Giving the client the freedom to choose this space for themselves makes gender-affirming therapy an ideal candidate for virtual mental health therapy.

We are dedicated to providing high-quality Gender-Affirming Care Services to anyone, anytime, anywhere. With Cyti Psychological, the help you need is at your finger tips – 24/7.

Gender-Affirming Care Services at Cyti Psychological

Are you or someone you know experiencing challenges related to gender identity? Have you made the decision to transition to a gender identity that feels more authentic, but are struggling to find the support you need? Cyti Psychological offers gender-affirming care services to individuals experiencing gender dysphoria or those who are transitioning to a different gender identity.

Our team of professionals provides a safe and welcoming space to help you navigate any confusion or discomfort you may be feeling surrounding your gender. For those who are transitioning or have recently transitioned, we offer support and resources to help you live your life in a way that aligns with your true self.

Schedule an appointment with us or call us anytime to begin your journey towards feeling more comfortable and confident in your gender identity.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

Eating disorders are commonly misconstrued as a lifestyle choice. However, an eating disorder is a serious, potentially fatal condition that affects a patient’s health, emotions, and function.

Patients suffering from an eating disorder focus excessively on their weight, the shape of their body, and food consumption. The condition often leads to dangerous behaviors around eating and food.

If you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, know that it can be a severe condition that may require support and professional care to overcome. The expert team at Cyti Psychological provides the care needed to recover from the debilitating pain of an eating disorder. So, schedule now to receive the critical help you need.

Types of Eating Disorders

The primary eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID).

Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge-Eating Disorder

Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa, often called anorexia, can cause people to experience distorted thinking. They often see themselves as overweight, even when they’re drastically underweight. People who suffer from anorexia may severely restrict their calorie intake by eating minimal quantities of food.

In addition to the symptoms and visible side effects of anorexia, the condition can also cause long-term medical concerns.

Anorexia is a hazardous eating disorder, as young men and women can die from complications associated with self-starvation. The suicide rate of those with anorexia is higher than it is with most other mental illnesses.

Symptoms of anorexia nervosa include:
Extreme thinness • Highly restricted eating • Lethargy  • Obsessive exercise or calorie-counting • Unwillingness  to maintain a healthy weight • Fear of gaining weight • Distorted body image • Growth of fine hair all over the body • Brittle hair and nails • Dry skin • Yellowing of the complexion

Medical side effects of anorexia nervosa include:
Osteopenia or osteoporosis • Anemia • Muscle weakness • Constipation • Low blood pressure • Slowed breathing and pulse • Brain damage • Organ failure • Infertility

Bulimia Nervosa

Bulimia nervosa, often called bulimia, is another condition that can be severe and life threatening. People with bulimia have episodes of eating vast amounts of food, during which they feel a loss of control over their ability to stop eating or binge eating.

After binge-eating episodes, people may compensate for their overeating with behaviors like forced vomiting, using laxatives or diuretics, fasting, or engaging in excessive exercising. Unlike with anorexia, identifying someone’s bulimia may be more difficult since people who experience this disorder often maintain a healthy or average weight.

Like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa may cause further health complications, including a gastric rupture during binging episodes.

Symptoms of bulimia nervosa include:
Preoccupation with body weight and shape • Sores, scars, or calluses on the knuckles or hands • Swelling in the hands and feet • Inflamed and sore throat • Swollen glands in the neck and jaw • Worn tooth enamel and sensitive or decaying teeth • Dehydration

Other medical complications of bulimia include:
Electrolyte imbalance, which can cause heart failure and death • Rupture of the esophagus • Chronic bowel problems • Pancreatitis and peptic ulcers

Binge-Eating Disorder

People experiencing a binge-eating disorder may regularly eat excessive food and feel like they lack control over their eating. As a result, they may eat quickly, even when they’re not hungry, and continue to eat after feeling uncomfortably full.

Unlike bulimia, the binge-eating disorder does not include compensation for the behavior with extreme methods to burn or reduce calories when not binging. People with binge-eating disorder binge at least once a week and can be of average weight, overweight, or obese.

Binge eating disorder may be worsened by dieting in unhealthy ways, including skipping meals or avoiding certain foods altogether.

Symptoms of binge-eating disorder include: Eating excessive amounts of food in under two hours Eating when not hungry or full • Eating fast • Eating alone or in secret • Frequently dieting, often without weight loss

Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

ARFID is different from other eating disorders in that it isn’t connected with the fear of gaining weight. Instead, people suffering from ARFID regularly don’t meet their daily nutrition requirements due to a lack of interest in eating.

A person may also experience ARFID due to avoiding food with specific characteristics, such as certain textures, smells, or colors. ARFID may also stem from concerns

ARFID may cause significant weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, or a failure to gain weight appropriately. In addition, if left untreated, ARFID may build in intensity or seriousness and can become particularly concerning when it affects children and teenagers.

No matter what you’re going through, You’re Not Alone.

Eating Disorders FAQ’s

An eating disorder is a complicated mental health condition that requires medical and psychological treatment. It often starts with an obsession with body weight, body shape, or food. Common symptoms include food binges, extreme food restriction, and purging behaviors, such as overexercising or vomiting. Here are some commonly asked questions.

There are several different kinds of eating disorders. While each has its own symptoms, they all focus on issues related to weight, food, and eating. Explore the symptoms here. Here are some of the most common signs of an eating disorder:

  • Excessive weight loss
  • Avoiding eating in public
  • Worrying about food, weight, calories, or dieting
  • Excuses to avoid mealtimes
  • Refusing to eat certain foods
  • Difficulties concentrating
  • Stomach cramps
  • Consistently feeling cold
  • Dizziness
  • Sleep irregularities

There are many different signs to look for if you think someone has an eating disorder. They may constantly discuss food, weight, and calories or remove entire food groups from their home. Overexercising and extreme or rapid weight loss can also be symptoms of an eating disorder.

Difficulties communicating, focusing, or socializing can also be signs that someone is undernourishing their brain. Avoiding social situations, disappearing from a group before or after eating, and the inability to eat with other people are all signs someone has a negative relationship with food.

Someone doesn’t have to massively gain or lose weight for them to have an eating disorder. While weight changes are often evident, it’s the actions of the person that defines whether or not they have an eating disorder.

Disordered eating patterns aren’t the same thing as eating disorders. Disordered eating patterns are abnormal eating habits that don’t meet the criteria of an eating disorder.

The major difference between the two is the degree and severity of symptoms. People with disordered eating patterns often display the same behaviors as people with eating disorders, but the symptoms occur less intensely and severely.

Disordered eating patterns restrict food intake, limit food choices, cause physical discomfort, create a sense of being in control, and can result in negative feelings, such as guilt and shame. When left unaddressed, disordered eating patterns can progress into a clinical eating disorder.

Three of the most serious eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.

Anorexia nervosa is when people think they’re overweight, even if they’re actually dangerously underweight. They seriously restrict their calories and the food they consume. Over time, anorexia nervosa can result in thinning bones, infertility, multiple organ failure, and death.

Bulimia nervosa occurs when people eat large amounts of food they would normally avoid in short periods of time. They then vomit, use laxatives, use diuretics, fast, or excessively exercise to combat the calories. Bulimia nervosa can cause an imbalance of electrolytes, resulting in a stroke or heart attack.

Binge eating disorder is similar to bulimia nervosa but without the purge. People with this condition consume unusually large amounts of non-nutritious food in short periods and feel completely out of control. This can increase their chances of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.

The parts of the brain that deal with reward, pleasure, and memory are in part responsible for food cravings. An imbalance of hormones, like serotonin or leptin, may also cause you to crave food.

People who menstruate often experience food cravings in different parts of their menstrual cycle, due to hormonal fluctuations. Food cravings are also incredibly common during pregnancy, as a result of major hormonal changes.

It’s not just hormones that can cause you to crave food. Emotions can contribute to cravings, too. If you’re feeling sad, you may crave comfort food to make you feel better. If your body is lacking nutrients, it may make you crave the type of food it requires to stay healthy.

Cyti Psychological offers comprehensive treatment options

Eating disorders are severe conditions with long-term medical ramifications. Cyti Psychological offers clients fast access to the care they need from licensed professionals who specialize in treating their mental health concerns. In addition, Cyti Psychological offers 24/7 care specialists who are prepared to connect those in need with the right therapist anytime.

Through various modalities and solution-oriented therapy, clients can consistently find the support they need. If you or someone you love suffers from an eating disorder, don’t delay. Take the first step in your journey to recovery, and reach out to add time with Cyti Psychological to your schedule now.


Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars

Chronic pain is a condition that affects millions of Americans, regardless of age, race, or gender. Finding effective treatment can be difficult for those who struggle with chronic pain.

Medical practitioners may be unable to find the source of the pain, making it hard to deliver an appropriate solution. In other cases, the source of the pain is easily identified, but managing it cannot be achieved through traditional methods.

If chronic pain is debilitating and impacts your quality of life, you may need pain management services. Cyti Psychological offers personalized solutions to pain management, helping address pain physically, mentally, and emotionally. Please read on to find out more about our pain management services.

What Is Pain Management?

Pain management refers to a medical subfield that focuses on controlling chronic pain or alleviating pain-related symptoms. Traditionally, pain management has relied primarily on medicinal solutions, providing patients with medications to reduce their pain.

As years have gone by, many of these medications have become less viable solutions to pain. Some are highly addictive and have contributed to the opioid crisis, while others simply fail to produce effective pain management results.

At Cyti Psychological, we take an approach to pain management that combines the physical element with mental and emotional elements. We address the physical causes of a patient’s pain while simultaneously working with their mental and emotional well-being to help relieve many of the ways chronic pain impacts their quality of life.

Call Cyti Psychological and schedule a pain management consultation today to find out more.

How Cyti Psychological Treats Chronic Pain

Pain management at Cyti Psychological utilizes a number of different modalities to address the source of chronic pain and help patients alleviate their symptoms. Below are just a few of the most common pain management approaches used at Cyti Psychological.

Stress Reduction
Medicinal Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Also known as CBT, cognitive-behavioral therapy is a frequently used pain management technique for patients struggling with chronic pain.

CBT is a psychological treatment that aims to reduce negative thinking, redirect stressful emotions, and encourage problem-solving skills. It can also be used to treat anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

During cognitive-behavioral therapy, the patient is guided through their negative emotions and aided in confronting the source of them. The goal is to help patients identify the cause of their pain and help them re-frame their feelings and emotions surrounding it.

This therapy can ultimately give patients the tools to cope with physical pain, emotional distress, and feelings of despair.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a psychotherapeutic service that aims to alleviate distress and upset caused by trauma. For some patients with chronic pain, their pain may be a symptom that has developed in response to a traumatic event. For others, the pain can be the traumatic event itself, leading to other symptoms, such as anxiety and depression.

EMDR therapy stimulates physiological arousal through supervised exposure to emotionally-distressing material in controlled doses. During this exposure, the patient is directed to focus on an external stimulus, which is eye movement. EMDR can effectively help patients with negative thoughts and painful feelings or emotions associated with their traumatic events. Read more about EMDR at out EMDR Clinic page.

Customized Medicinal Therapy

In many instances, patients with chronic pain are given a one-size-fits-all medication to resolve their symptoms. This often fails to work because every patient is different and has unique needs.

At Cyti Psychological, we strive to assist in the alleviation of your chronic pain, support your emotional well-being, and improve your psychiatric state in a integrated approach to pain management and medicinal treatments.

Some patients have symptoms of chronic pain that are intricately linked to a mental health concern. These patients may benefit from certain psychiatric medications to address their symptoms.

Other patients are struggling with mood disorders that exacerbate their feelings of pain. For these patients, mood stabilizers can alleviate their condition.

At Cyti Psychological, our experts will carefully consider all of the factors that contribute to your pain and develop a medicinal plan that better addresses them.

Your journey to Pain Free Living begins here

Pain Management at Cyti Psychological

Are you or someone you care about struggling with chronic pain? Chronic pain can manifest in a variety of ways, including physical, mental, and emotional symptoms. At Cyti Psychological, we aim to treat chronic pain by providing pain management that combines these three elements and resolves pain on a deeper level.

We’ll work directly with you to develop both physical and behavioral techniques for pain management, redirecting negative feelings, and coping with the source of your pain.

Our team includes highly-trained experts who work with patients suffering from all kinds of pain and distress due to unresolved trauma, medical ailments, or mental health concerns. Visit our website or call our offices to schedule your pain management consultation.

Kari Peel
Ashley Laube
Clint Edwards
Mariam Pandes
Patricia Kovars