How to stay happy when it’s cold and rainy outside

Spring is one of the most wonderful seasons of the year. The days get longer, the flowers start to bloom, and the promise of summer is just around the corner. But spring also typically brings a lot of rain, which can get really depressing. After months of cold winter weather, who wants to go outside in the rain?

Feeling down when the season changes is a real condition. SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) affects around 10 million people in the US. While the side effects are often relatively mild, they can sometimes lead to major lifestyle changes, like the loss of your job or even divorce.

If you struggle to look on the bright side when it’s cold and rainy out, there are some things you can do to brighten your mood. 

Invite friends over

There’s a good chance you’re not the only one in your social circle who’s fed up with the weather. Grab your phone and invite your friends over for a relaxing day. Ask everyone to bring over a comfort food dish or something fun you can all do together.

Playing board games or video games, watching movies, or even just catching up will all make you feel better, no matter how much it’s pouring or gloomy outdoors. After not being able to meet up with friends for so long, finally getting together and doing something normal will feel great.

Throw a sunshine party

If you want to do a little more than invite some friends over for a get together, throw a sunshine party! Put on a summer outfit and play some upbeat music. If you’ve got colored lights, you can set them to yellow to represent the sun.

You may not be able to grill outdoors, but you can still whip up some summer-inspired food. Crisp salads, juicy burgers, and loaded hot dogs are all great for creating a summer vibe. Don’t forget the ice cream and cocktails!

It’s important to remember that a party is meant to be fun. Don’t stress over the little things. However basic your setup is, your friends are sure to love the effort you’ve put in.

Embrace it

It might sound like the last thing you want to do, but one of the easiest ways to feel better about the gloomy weather is to embrace it. Put on some comfy clothes or pajamas, light some scented candles, and snuggle up on the sofa with a book, movie, or TV series. 

Make yourself a cup of your favorite tea or coffee. If you’re a good baker, you can make a batch of cookies and enjoy them fresh from the oven. If you’re not so great in the kitchen, you can easily make s’mores in the microwave. 

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was to be more positive in everyday life, being accepting of the things you can’t change and embracing them is an excellent place to start.

Make plans

The weather won’t always be like this. In a few weeks, the rain will dry up and the clouds will disappear. To give yourself something to look forward to, draw up some plans for the future when you can go outside and make the most of the season.

From picnics with friends and walks in nature to exciting road trips and days at the beach, make as many plans as possible to do on your own and with others. The action of making plans for the future can often be enough to cheer you up.

Spring clean

Keeping busy is a great way to take your mind off the bad weather. And what better way to keep busy than cleaning your home from top to bottom? When you’re stuck inside, being productive and doing something worthwhile will make you feel like you’ve made the most of your day. 

Start by choosing one room and be as thorough as you can. Donate things you don’t use anymore that are in good condition and throw away the things that aren’t. Go one step beyond your usual cleaning routine and do a thorough deep clean.

Getting rid of excess dust may even brighten your mood if you suffer from allergies.

Pamper yourself

If you haven’t got the motivation or energy to spring clean your home, be kind to yourself and do whatever takes your fancy instead. Stay in bed for as long as you like, take an extra long shower, and just generally go through your day at a slower, more relaxed pace than normal. 

Cook your favorite meal, watch your favorite show, and do whatever else makes you happy. With the responsibilities of work, friends, and family, it can be easy to forget that you need to take care of yourself, too. 

Reach out

Despite everything that it promises, spring can get a little depressing. Take advantage of being stuck indoors to be productive, have fun, and indulge yourself.

If you think the feelings you’re experiencing are more serious than the springtime blues, reach out to us. Our therapists are trained to get to the root of your problem and help you develop the skills you need to manage your symptoms and feel better. 

No matter how isolated you may feel right now, you’re not alone. Contact us today and we can work alongside you, helping you to take back control and improve the quality of your life.

About the author: Sonya Parrott

Sonya is a Marriage and Family Therapist with over 13 years of experience in the mental health field. Her background includes working with Families, Adults, teens, and children in individual, family, couple, and group settings. She has extensive experience and training in the areas of Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use, Post Traumatic Stress, Family conflict, and Codependency.

Read more about Sonya here >>

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