What is a Post-Holiday Hangover, and How do I Recover?

What is a post-holiday hangover, and how do I recover?

The holiday season can be wonderful, but it can leave many people feeling run down and exhausted. Here are a few strategies to help you recover and thrive in the new year.

Whether or not you traveled to see family/friends or stayed home and just relaxed, the holidays usually represent a departure from our normal work-life structure. Holiday treats abound at work, in stores, in the mail, and at holiday parties. There is sometimes the expectation to travel to see family, which can be fraught with travel delays, uncomfortable sleeping accommodations, and different time zones. Time spent with relatives and friends can be fun and incredibly frustrating. Pressures abound to get along and to make it “the most wonderful time of the year.”

But the holidays are over, and now you are back in your normal life routines. So how come you feel emotionally and physically exhausted? It’s called a holiday hangover, and there are ways to expedite your recovery.

Here are the top holiday hangover causes and ways to move forward:

  1. Family issues: Yes, your brother was rude to everyone and drank too much. Your aunt told you that “the extra COVID 20 pounds didn’t look that bad on you.” Try not to dwell too much on the family button pushing that inevitably occurs during the holidays. Remember, you love your family, and they are not perfect. Try and let it go and focus on the qualities you value in each of them.
  2. Financial Pressures: Did you overextend on holiday gifts, sparkly clothes, or travel plans? Come up with a budget to dig out of debt. An extra $100 towards your credit card will help every month, and a few less Uber Eats can make a big difference. Also, be sure to return any gifts you don’t like because you have until January 31st with most companies. Do you need four pairs of new yoga pants?
  3. Work Backlog: Do you feel buried by all the work that piled up while you took time off for the holidays? While it may seem like you have more to do than usual, keep in mind that many people take time off for the holidays. Just take it one day at a time and address those time-sensitive items first.
  4. Physical Exhaustion: Was your sleep dysregulated by time zone changes, late nights, or more alcohol than regular? It takes three days to recover from sleep deprivation or variations in your sleep-wake schedule by more than 90 minutes. Try and get back to your regular sleep-wake schedule and take care of yourself physically.
  5. Plan some forward-facing events: Yes, the holidays are over, so plan some fun outings for yourself so you have something to look forward to, such as a weekend outing to a local winery or a week away in March or April. Or start working on summer vacation plans. After all, the summer is only six months away from the holidays.

At Cyti Psychological, we help our clients get the tools to navigate their way through all sorts of obstacles that life has thrown in front of them. We have therapists who can help you with holiday hangovers, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, work stressors, and anything else that gets in the way of you living the life you want. Our therapists have over 3000 clinical hours of experience each and can help you start reaching your goals today. Call 1-866-478-3978.

The information on this page is not intended to be a substitution for diagnosis, treatment, or informed professional advice. You should not take any action or avoid taking any action without consulting with a qualified mental health professional. If you are in a crisis or any other person may be in danger,  these resources can provide you with immediate help:
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 988
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